Dr. Rebecca S. Twersky Research Award

The inaugural Dr. Rebecca S. Twersky Research Award will be awarded at the 2025 Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA) annual meeting to be held in Phoenix, Arizona on May 15-17, 2025. The award is intended to recognize at the SAMBA annual meeting the research of a junior attending who is the first author of the highest rated research or quality improvement abstract.

Dr. Rebecca S. Twersky was one of the founding members of SAMBA, a past president of SAMBA in 1998, and the recipient of the SAMBA Distinguished Service Award in 2005, in addition to being credited with numerous awards, presentations and publications. She transformed ambulatory anesthesia and office-based anesthesia into the specialty we recognize today. One of her passions was promoting research - especially among junior attendings early in their career.

One Dr. Rebecca S. Twersky Research Award will be presented annually at each SAMBA Annual Meeting.

SAMBA will issue a call for abstracts each year for its Annual Meeting. Abstracts will be submitted for review and graded by the members of the SAMBA Scientific Papers Committee. The first author must be a junior attending and will attest to such at the time of their submission. Junior attending is defined as an individual within 10 years of anesthesia residency completion and at an Assistant Professor level or below at the time of abstract submission. The members will of the SAMBA Scientific Papers Committee will choose the winner of the Dr. Rebecca S. Twersky Research Award who will be provided:

  • A $2,000 cash award.
  • An opportunity to present their data as a poster and short oral presentation at the SAMBA Annual Meeting.
  • Award certificate and ribbon.
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